
SMT (ScriptMyToon.com) Marketing Division

  • Bartel Diks
  • Bartel Diks
04-Oct-2020, 21:07 PM UTC

  • Anak Pintar

Marijuana, is it ok? : Entirely up to me.. my body, my business

Health and Wellness > Miscellaneous
  • 1 Up
  • 5 Down
Mikaela DiMari 23-Nov-2020, 05:48 AM UTC 1

I agree it is the choice of the individual and that most of the time no one else is effected by the behavior. That said, addiction to the point of no longer being in control can end up hurting people around you.

Frontline Soldier 04-Oct-2020, 21:27 PM UTC 2

I'm an artist and consider myself pretty hip to things, but using marijuana long term can have a serious down side.

Tilly Artiest 04-Oct-2020, 21:19 PM UTC 3

Bad, bad, bad. I agree with the previous comments. As a mother and grandmother I am concerned about these young people. Us old folks know better, really.

Bartel Diks 04-Oct-2020, 21:13 PM UTC 4

The artwork is good, but as an older person and former user, I totally DISAGREE with folks. The one thing they have in common is that they are all young and probably feel invincible--I sure did at that age. The negative long term effects are very real for most people, your brain function and speech slow down and the tobacco puts you at risk for cancer. Not worth it people, even if you don't like being told so.

07-Oct-2020, 22:06 PM UTC

  • Mikaela DiMari

Marijuana, is it ok? : DEFINITELY NO, addictive & anything tobacco is bad

Health and Wellness > Miscellaneous
  • 6 Up
  • 0 Down
Mikaela DiMari 23-Nov-2020, 05:44 AM UTC 1

Well said by the writer.

Mitey Mouth 07-Oct-2020, 22:18 PM UTC 2

Hesitated a little bit because of the medicinal argument. It is a tough call as I don't think there is a non-habit forming and non-tobacco based solution out there, that I am aware of. But I could be wrongn, so voted up.

Joe-Bob Praat'n van Veel-debeek 07-Oct-2020, 22:14 PM UTC 3

Been there. Kudos to whoever posted this dialog.

Gedachte Individuele 07-Oct-2020, 22:14 PM UTC 4

Finally the right answer.

Anak Pintar 07-Oct-2020, 22:11 PM UTC 5

That is the right attitude from these young people.

Bartel Diks 07-Oct-2020, 22:08 PM UTC 6

In light of some celebrities dying of tobacco related illnesses, I couldn't agree more with what is mentioned here.