
SMT (ScriptMyToon.com) Marketing Division 07-Oct-2020, 22:06 PM UTC

  • Bartel Diks
  • Bartel Diks
  • Mikaela DiMari

Marijuana, is it ok? : DEFINITELY NO, addictive & anything tobacco is bad

Health and Wellness > Miscellaneous
  • 6 Up
  • 0 Down
Mikaela DiMari 23-Nov-2020, 05:44 AM UTC 1

Well said by the writer.

Mitey Mouth 07-Oct-2020, 22:18 PM UTC 2

Hesitated a little bit because of the medicinal argument. It is a tough call as I don't think there is a non-habit forming and non-tobacco based solution out there, that I am aware of. But I could be wrongn, so voted up.

Joe-Bob Praat'n van Veel-debeek 07-Oct-2020, 22:14 PM UTC 3

Been there. Kudos to whoever posted this dialog.

Gedachte Individuele 07-Oct-2020, 22:14 PM UTC 4

Finally the right answer.

Anak Pintar 07-Oct-2020, 22:11 PM UTC 5

That is the right attitude from these young people.

Bartel Diks 07-Oct-2020, 22:08 PM UTC 6

In light of some celebrities dying of tobacco related illnesses, I couldn't agree more with what is mentioned here.