
The Opinion Roundtable 03-Oct-2020, 20:33 PM UTC

  • Gedachte Individuele
  • Tilly Artiest
  • Anak Pintar

What Would Jesus Say or Do Today? : Pray for the president and nation.. Oct, 2, 2020

Religion & Philosophy > Miscellaneous
  • 2 Up
  • 0 Down
Bartel Diks 03-Oct-2020, 21:55 PM UTC 1

100% agree with Gedachte. We need to repent as a nation. Time for Christians to pray and act in a way that where we are the light of the world in darkness.

Gedachte Individuele 03-Oct-2020, 21:52 PM UTC 2

Yes. The advice Jesus would give here today is timely! Our nation needs healing.