
SMT (ScriptMyToon.com) Marketing Division 07-Oct-2020, 22:06 PM UTC

  • Bartel Diks
  • Bartel Diks
  • Joe-Bob Praat'n van Veel-debeek

Marijuana, is it ok? : Well yes and no, it depends on the circumstances

Health and Wellness > Miscellaneous
  • 5 Up
  • 0 Down
Mikaela DiMari 07-Oct-2020, 05:45 AM UTC 1

I totally agree that there circumstances where you have to use it for medical reasons to alleviate pain.

Gedachte Individuele 05-Oct-2020, 01:31 AM UTC 2

I like the dialog and the artwork. I am interested in using them to promote my next product.

Frontline Soldier 05-Oct-2020, 01:23 AM UTC 3

As an artist I am around a lot of users. Some do need it medically. I would advise in moderation if possible and if recreational.

Tilly Artiest 05-Oct-2020, 01:21 AM UTC 4

I think the last young man is weighing the options properly. Young men that are addicted as shown should seek help, I am sure there are medical ways to ease the detox process.

Bartel Diks 05-Oct-2020, 01:15 AM UTC 5

This makes a lot of sense. Some medical conditions would warrant use.